Thursday, June 14, 2007

Fatah activist going to his death: "We are not Jews"

Last words of a Fatah activist: "We are not Jews"
Conflict Blotter thinks that the fighting will remain mostly in Gaza and not spread to the West Bank. However, his account of the last broadcast words of the brother of Jamal Abu al-Jediyan is chilling:
Hamas has stormed the home of Jamal Abu Jideyan, general secretary of Fatah in Northern Gaza and an Al Aqsa Brigades commander, and assassinated him. About 20 minutes ago we were listening to Sawt Al Hurriya, a Palestinian radio station, as Jideyan's brother called into the station frantic. Hamas militants had surrouned the family's home in the Jabbaliya refugee camp and had fired 16 RPG rounds at the home, with 35 family members inside, he said. "They're firing at us, firing RPGs, firing mortars. We're not Jews," he screamed into the telephone live on air, gun fire bursting in the background.
The obsession of the Fatah with killing Jews is such, that they allowed themselves to be destroyed, not believing that Hamas would kill anyone other than Jews. The members of the Palestinian "resistance" movements and the PA police did not remain loyal to their government and their leaders, because killing Jews was a higher priority than buidling a Palestinian state.
Ami Isseroff

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