Monday, May 21, 2007

Lebanese army battles militants, 8 civilians dead

The Islamists want to impede trials for asssasinations of Lebanese leaders ordered by the Syrian regime, and eventually break down
the political order in Lebanon to turn the country into a radical Islamist state from which to attack more effectively Israel. And the world does nothing. The UN: a round zero.
May 21, 2007

By Yara Bayoumy

NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon (Reuters) - Lebanese tanks shelled Islamist militants in a Palestinian refugee camp on Monday and at least eight civilians were killed, raising the death toll in two days of fighting to 65, security sources said.

Tanks pounded the coastal camp of Nahr al-Bared, home to some 40,000 refugees in north Lebanon, as fighters of the al Qaeda-inspired Fatah al-Islam group fired grenades and machineguns at army posts on the perimeter, witnesses said.

Palestinian sources in the camp said the bombardment had killed eight civilians and wounded 20. They feared the toll would rise because rescue workers could not reach some areas.

Complete article:

Thomas Braun, Lima, Peru



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