Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jewish and Arab Americans Support US Engagement in Peace Process

Well, if only Americans were engaged in the peace process, we'd all agree! Unfortunately, it's Israelis and Palestinians who are living the conflict. Still, polls show that they both support a two state solution as well. It's "just" a question of borders and ending the violence. Right. --Wendy in Washington

Joint AAI/APN Poll: Jewish and Arab Americans Overwhelmingly Support Two-State Solution, U.S. Engagement in Peace Process

Briefing Call with James Zogby and Debra DeLee

WASHINGTON - May 30, 2007 - The Arab American Institute (AAI) and Americans for Peace Now (APN) on Monday, June 4, will release the results of a new joint survey of Arab Americans and Jewish Americans showing a high level of support, among both communities, for a negotiated two-state peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The poll also shows a low level of approval of President Bush's handling of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as an intention, by voters in both communities, to support political candidates who commit to actively advancing the Arab-Israeli peace process. The poll reveals solid support for a more robust use of American diplomacy in the region, including in Washington's policy toward Iran.

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