Sunday, May 20, 2007

Iranian FM: Not true I said Israel cannot be wiped off the map

This speaks for itself.
Mottaki denies western news agencies claims on his speech
Amman, May 20, IRNA - Iranian news agency

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki denied some western news agencies claims on his speech in the World Economic Forum about the Zionist regime.

He told IRNA, "I said to the meeting every pupil knows that a nation like Palestinians cannot be eliminated from the map." Some western news agencies quoted Mottaki on Saturday saying that every pupil knows it is impossible to eliminate any country from the map.

He added, "Although Shah had good relations with South African apartheid regime and the Zionist regime, after the Islamic revolution victory, the ties were severed."

"After the collapse of the apartheid regime in South Africa, now we have very good ties with that country," Mottaki said.

He stressed, "We cast a negative vote on the Zionist regime credential in the UN, which means we do not recognize the regime." The 3-day forum started on Friday afternoon in the resort city of Bahr ul Meyet in Jordan and Iran's delegation headed by foreign minister Mottaki attended the meeting.

Iranian delegation departed Amman for Tehran on Saturday evening.

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