Thursday, May 24, 2007

Election campaign: Syrian Style

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Election campaign: Syrian Style

Things are really heating up in the Syrian Presidential election campaign. With elections coming up May 25, there is a close contest between Bashar Assad and... Bashar Assad.
This type of election has the advantage of eliminating confusion and doubt. It doesn't prevent unethical campaign practices though.
Some suggested campaign slogans for Mr. Assad:
"Vote for Bashar Assad, because nobody else is running."
"I may not be the best president you ever had, but I am the only one you are going to get."
From Syria, a friend explains how Assad persuades Syrians that he is the best candidate in the field (and the only one):
Our kids finished the final exams early this year because of election.
The director of the school of my daughter N--- (10th grade) told the
girls in the school to return to the school after few days to
participate in a parade to support Bashar for presidency. N--- told her
that her parents refuse to allow her to do that. The director said that N---'s parents
should look for a place in a private school because she will not be
accepted next year in its public school. My wife went mad and called the
director and shouted at her in anger. I became afraid of a Mukhabarat
The best campaign slogan for Assad might be this:
"Danger: The Surgeon General of Syria has determined that not voting for Bashar Assad is hazardous to your health."
Ami Isseroff
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