Monday, April 2, 2007

Three Weeks Since BBC Reporter Kidnapped in Gaza

It's been three weeks since the BBC's Alan Johnston was kidnapped by Palestinian militants. It's not an unusual occurrence--the kidnappers want money, and most foreign media outlets, particularly European ones, pay up, thus keeping the kidnappers in business. Three weeks is a long time for someone to be missing, though. A demonstration on Monday by other journalists called for Mr. Johnston's release. Let's pray, on the eve of Passover and during Christian Holy Week, that he's released soon from captivity. Let's not forget the Israeli soldiers being held hostage. Soon, may the whole world be free. --Wendy

"In Gaza City, dozens of reporters holding signs saying 'Free Alan' and 'Stop Security Chaos and Lawlessness' marched to the office of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, as he was convening his weekly cabinet session.

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) also called for a three-day media boycott of the Palestinian Authority (PA), starting Monday.

Its chairman, Naim Toubasi, asked journalists to refrain from covering any news about the PA, to protest its failure to secure Johnston's release.

A statement issued by the PSJ Monday threatened to expand the boycott by calling on civilians to boycott all PA institutions, ministries and offices.

The PJS organized the rally in Ramallah jointly with the Foreign Press Association (FPA), which represents foreign correspondents covering Israel and the Palestinian areas."

Full story (pro-Palestinian point of view):

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