Saturday, April 21, 2007

Remodelling history: Security Council Resolution 242 does NOT require Israeli Withdrawal to 1967 borders

April 21, 2007

Security Council Resolution 242 does NOT require Israeli Withdrawal to 1967 borders

Everyone who was sentient in 1967 can remember that the drafters of UN Security Council Resolution 242, as well as Israel, understood that it does not require Israel to withdraw to the borders of June 4, 1967. At the time, the resolution was rejected by every Arab state as well as the PLO. 
A massive effort to change history has more or less succeeding in wiping these facts from the collective memory of most of the world. Most articles about the Arab peace initiative now include language similar to the following, "Israel must withdraw to June 1967 borders in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 242, but that interpretation is not supported by the record.
Ami Isseroff
This Camera report provides some of the evidence. 
Security Council Resolution 242 According to its Drafters

CAMERA  January 15, 2007

After the 1967 Six Day War, when Israel prevented an attempt by surrounding Arab nations to destroy it militarily, the United Nations Security Council prepared a carefully-worded resolution to guide the parties. Since then, U.N. Resolution 242 has been invoked as the centerpiece for negotiation efforts, including the Israeli-Egyptian Camp David Accords, the Oslo Accords and the Road Map peace plan.

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