Thursday, April 19, 2007

Progressive Zionism versus benighted fanaticism

This is probably NOT what you think. Enjoy.

Progressive Zionism versus benighted fanaticism

Dan Fleshler presented a vision of Progressive Zionism - his own personal vision -- at his Realistic Dove Web log. Not surprisingly, he drew a lot of flak from the usual crowd of fanatic "progressive" anti-Zionists. They presented a demonized picture of Zionism and insisted that there is no such thing as Progressive Zionism. Not only do they not recognize the right of Israel to exist -- these people won't even admit that progressive Zionists exist. Their comments indicate much more than wilful ignorance about Zionism. They reflect the results of a systematic campaign of demonification that is every bit as vicious as the medieval inquisition.
Personally, I can't see how anyone who supports suicide bombing and genocidal religious fanaticism could be a progressive. I can't see how anyone supports the right of Palestinian Arabs to self determination could deny the same right to the Jewish people. I can't see how anyone intent on perpetuating the murderous conflict in order to destroy one side can claim they are for "peace."
Here is Dan's reply.
Ami Isseroff

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