Sunday, April 15, 2007

Memorial for Daniel Pearl

Daniel Pearl, a victim of terrorism, will be remembered in a Miami Holocaust remembrance ceremony:

Daniel Pearl, the American journalist who was abducted and killed by terrorists in 2002, is expected to be remembered during a Holocaust memorial ceremony here Sunday. Pearl's name will be added to Miami Beach's Holocaust Memorial Wall during Yom Hashoah - the annual  time of remembrance.

It will be the first time a non-Holocaust victim has been remembered there. Judea Pearl, 70, Daniel Pearl's father, will speak at the ceremony. "Of course he was not a victim of the Holocaust," he told The Miami Herald. But "the same forces that killed my grandparents in Auschwitz, the forces of hatred, are still operating in our world in the 21st century - and Danny is one of the victims."

Maybe it would be better to set up a separate memorial to victims of terror: American victims, Israeli victims,  Algerian victims, Spanish victims, Iraqi victims, Egyptian victims...  It is not a Holocaust yet, though the list is growing. Pearl's wonderful family have set up the Daniel Pearl Foundation, which promotes peace. Perhaps that is the best memorial.

Ami Isseroff

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