Monday, April 9, 2007

Iran: Unclear nuclear announcement.

How many centrifuges did Iran add? One guess was 3,000, another guess was 1,000. And now that the nuclear announcement is made, this article is unclear too:
Iran, which according to diplomats has set up almost 1,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges at Natanz, has said it plans to install 3,000 there as the first stage towards "industrial-scale" nuclear fuel production.
With 3,000 machines, Iran could make enough material for a bomb in one year, if it wanted, Western experts say.
Who says they have 1,000 centrifuges, and when will they have 3,000?
Ami Isseroff

By Parisa Hafezi
NATANZ, Iran (Reuters) - Iran announced on Monday it had begun the "industrial stage" of nuclear fuel production, in a fresh snub to the U.N. Security Council which has demanded Tehran halt such work.
Iran, which according to diplomats has set up almost 1,000 uranium enrichment centrifuges at Natanz, has said it plans to install 3,000 there as the first stage towards "industrial-scale" nuclear fuel production.
With 3,000 machines, Iran could make enough material for a bomb in one year, if it wanted, Western experts say.

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