Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hamas attack was a cover for kidnap attempt

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- A rocket and mortar attack carried out Tuesday morning by the armed wing of Hamas was a cover for an attempt to kidnap an Israeli soldier, Israeli military sources told CNN.

Hamas' militant wing, Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement on its Web site -- the first attack since a shaky truce with Israel took effect five months ago.

The group's spokesman, Abu Obeida, promised "a cruel and painful response to any aggression in the Strip [Gaza]" and said in the statement, "we want to remind Zionist forces that we still hold Gilad Shalit and we are still prepared to kidnap others."
Any excuse to damage Israel is good for the criminal Hamas. Lies are usually told to justify the unjustifiable.
Thomas Braun, Lima, Peru

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