Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Knesset establishes Arabic Language Academy

This should be interesting. I can't wait until there's a conference at the
Arabic Language Academy in Israel...--Wendy in Washington

Israel okays Arabic Language Academy
Haviv Rettig, THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 21, 2007

The establishment of an official Academy for the Arabic Language received
final approval on Wednesday as the "High Institute for the Arabic Language
2007" bill passed its second and third readings in the Knesset plenum and
became law.

"This is the first time an Academy for the Arabic Language is established in
a country outside the Arab world, heralding an important change on the part
of the state of Israel in its treatment of its Arab citizens," said Knesset
Education Committee Chairman Michael Melchior (Labor-Meimad), who
cosponsored the bill with MK Nadia Hilu (Labor).

According to the law, the new academy will conduct research on the history,
dialects, structure and vocabulary of the Arabic language. It will also
publish dictionaries, hold conferences and cooperate with organizations in
Israel and abroad that deal with Arabic.

The new Academy will also coordinate its work with the long-established
Academy for the Hebrew Language, contributing to the study of the
similarities, differences and connections between the two languages.
From the Jerusalem Post, at:

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