Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Howard University head blocks Israel divestiture motion

A little good news:
The head of Howard University, a historically black university here in Washington, D.C., has blocked a motion to divest from Israel, using strong language.

"Howard University's president has rejected a faculty resolution calling on the school to become the first American institution of higher learning to divest from certain companies doing business with Israel.

"Without qualification, Howard University and I oppose any action calling for a divestiture" from Israel, President H. Patrick Swygert stressed in a letter Thursday to the American Jewish Committee.

The AJC had written to him after learning of the resolution to express the organization's distress over the development.

"I hope that my complete and unqualified rejection of this resolution will serve to reaffirm our relationship with the American Jewish Committee and all our friends who are interested in promoting peace and reconciliation," Swygert wrote.

He also said that the resolution had not been approved according to university procedures and therefore did not represent the position of the university or the College of Arts and Sciences from which it emerged."

More details at:

--Wendy "Proud of Howard University" Leibowitz, in Washington, D.C.

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