Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Brit Tzedek v’Shalom’s strange petition

Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, an American Jewish organization which claims to be "pro-Israel and pro-Peace" is asking people — especially Jews — to sign a petition which says:

I call on your Administration to urgently promote talks between Israel and any party - including the Palestinians, Lebanon, and Syria - that accepts Israel's right to exist by engaging in direct negotiations, back-channel contacts, and/or an international peace conference.

At first glance, this is ambiguous. Does it mean that Israel should talk to anyone who accepts her right to exist, and should do so in any of several ways? Or does it mean that anyone who engages in negotiations, back-channel contacts, or a peace conference thereby accepts Israel's right to exist and Israel should talk to them?

Read more at FresnoZionism.org

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