Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bill Clinton thanks AJC for exposing errors in Carter's book

The American Jewish Committee, in its weekly news bulletin, says that Bill Clinton (who was skewered in Carter's book) has thanked the Jewish group for its efforts in exposing the errors in Carter's book. (FYI, Clinton and Carter--both Democrats, both Southerners, both ex-presidents who have many concerns in common--can't stand each other).

Former President Clinton Thanks AJC for Efforts on New Carter Book

Former President Bill Clinton, in a handwritten letter to AJC Executive Director David Harris, voiced appreciation for his efforts to expose the inaccuracies in President Jimmy Carter's book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "Thanks so much for your articles about President Carter's book. I don't know where his information (or conclusions) came from …" said Clinton. "I'm grateful."

A sample of David Harris's op-eds that challenge Carter's view of the Middle East is online at the AJC Web site,, at:

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